I Love Not Just You

True Meaning Of Love
». If you love her because of her
eyes,lips or body,
it is not “Love” it is “LUST”

». If it is because of her intelligence
or insight about life,
it is not “Love”, its “ADMIRATION”

». Have nothing but a heart of true love

». If its because she cries every time
you try to leave her,
it is not “Love” it is “PITY”

»If its because she makes you
forget to study and sleep,
it is not “Love” it is “INFATUATION

My Day And Night
My days are filled with hope
My nights are filled with memories
My heart is an open empty vessel
I want to steal your heart
Your love will be enough to fill my heart
Your smile brings me such delight
Every day and every night, I will try and win this fight
So that you will be mine every day and night
I know I can be Mr Right
All I need to do is, do it right with all my might , you own my ❤

And Now I Want
“I want to be in a relationship where you telling me you love me is just a ceremonious validation of what you already show me.”

The Way His Soul Shall Go.

    To every man there openeth

    A way, and ways, and a way.

    And the high soul climbs the high way,

    And the low soul gropes the low:

    And in between, on the misty flats,

    The rest drift to and fro.

    But to every man there openeth

    A high way and a low,

    And every man decideth

    The way his soul shall go.”