Dec 10th, Events in History “Alfred Nobel, Marijuana”

    1684 – Isaac Newton’s derivation of Kepler’s laws from his theory of gravity read to the Royal Society by Edmund Halley

    1901 – First Nobel Peace Prizes awarded

    1799 – Metric system 1st used in France

    1868 – The 1st traffic lights are installed outside the Palace of Westminster in London

    2013 – Uruguay becomes the 1st country to legalize the growth, sale & use of marijuana

  • Alfred Nobel

    Alfred Bernhard Nobel
    (21 Oct 1833 – 10 Dec 1896)

    Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator & armaments manufacturer

    He was the inventor of dynamite

    He also owned Bofors, which he had redirected from its previous role as an iron & steel producer to a major manufacturer of cannon & other armaments

    After seeing how much damage the dynamite caused, he used his fortune to institute the Nobel Prizes

  • Alfred Nobel.

    Alfred Nobel.


    Misconceptions Of Albert Einstein

      He didn’t fail maths in school

      Upon seeing a column making this claim, he said

      “I never failed in mathematics.. Before I was 15 I had mastered differential & integral calculus”

      He did fail the entrance exam into the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School on his 1st attempt (1895)

      He was 2 years younger than his fellow students at the time & scored exceedingly well in the maths & science
