Dec 30th, New York Giants

Dec 30th

New York Giants

1703: Tokyo hit by Earthquake ~ 37,000 die

1809: Wearing masks at balls forbidden in Boston

1861: US banks stops payments in gold

1953: The 1st ever NTSC color TV sets go on sale for about USD at $1,175 each from RCA

1957: New York Giants win NFL championship

1965: Ferdinand Marcos inaugurated as President of Phillipines

1995: The lowest ever UK temp of -27.2°C recorded


The Misconceptions About “Saul of Tarsus, Paul the Apostle”

Saul of Tarsus, Paul the Apostle

He didn’t change his name to Paul after his conversion experience on the road to Damascus

He was born a Jew with a Roman citizenship inherited from his father,
& thus carried both a Hebrew & a Latin name since his birth

He used “Saul” (שָׁאוּל,) in Jewish contexts & “Paul” (Paulus) as an international missionary

Acts 13:9 :
“…Saul, who also is called Paul…”